Tall enough
Light and feathery as snow
Very experienced and knowledgeable
about streaming -
The one reading this!
Backseat gamers, fuckboys,
nerds who are anal about everything
(if this is you, please close the window
right now).
All about me!

I'm OMGkawaiiAngel
, also known as "KAngel."
I'm a streamer who covers a wide range of diverse topics in my streams, which my fans love. In 2022, I was the star of a game that sold over 1.5 million copies. My crazy and colorful theme songs swept the globe upon release and I enjoy sharing my multimedia works, collaborations, and stylish apparel with fans of all ages and genders.
Every night, I hop online to watch over my fans as the angel who will save everyone from the messy modern internet. If you would like to reach out to discuss any business plans, please feel free to do so at any time.
(↑Hey business-y people, look at how awesome I am!)
(↓This is also why I'm awesome)
I am the internet angel that was sent from the heavens to save all the lost nerds of Earth. I love streaming and talking to my fans, although I do get a little overwhelmed sometimes. That's okay, though, because I'm so adorable!♡
If you'd like to get to know me more, please check out my game or read my manga. I'm also on a bunch of social media platforms!*Twitter, Instagram, YouTube links
100 questions for KAngel
- Q01.Let's start with the basics! What's your name?
- Hey cuties! I'm KAngel, your favorite internet angel!🧬( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )🧬
- Q02.How old are you?
- I'm young and perky♪
- Q03.When did you start streaming?
- Umm, January 2022!
- Q04.Where are you from?
- Heaven, duh. I'm an angel!
- Q05.How many people are in your family?
- It's just gotten bigger, now that you're here!
- Q06.Do you have any pets?
- I'd love to have a cat but I'm just too busy!
- Q07.Do you like cats or dogs? Or a different animal?
- Don't ask me no stupid question!!!
- Q08.How would you rate yourself out of 10?
- National treasure/10
- Q09.How do you style your own hair? Also, is it real?
- I style it up in heaven before coming down to see you guys🧬( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )🧬
- Q10.Do you like dyeing your hair?
- I've never tried... I was just born radiant and blonde.
- Q11.Do you have any piercings?
- I've considered it, but the nerds don't like it.
- Q12.Or were you just scared?
- Of what? The truth of the universe?
- Q13.Do you wear makeup?
- If anyone wants to sponsor me, I'd be up for it!
- Q14.What's your favorite makeup brand?
- I guess it'd be [insert makeup company that sponsored me here]!
- Q15.What inspires you to get your nails done?
- People like seeing them, so I like to put in the effort to make them happy!
- Q16.Do you have a favorite nail salon?
- I do my own nails. Go on, tell me how awesome I am!
- Q17.Where do you buy your clothes from?
- I bought this outfit from a shop up in heaven.
- Q18.How would you describe your style?
- Ooh, like for Nen? I'm a Transmuter!
- Q19.What are some of the brands that you like?
- I love Dream Vision! Or you might know them as dreamvs. I like them because they collabed with me 🧬( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )🧬
- Q20.What's your favorite shampoo and conditioner?
- You just wanna know so you can drink it, don't you?!
- Q21.Do you prefer to dress for fashion or comfort?
- I like dressing cute, but honestly, it can be tiring to maintain. I hope everyone can join me on this journey so we can all look cute and cool together and not do it alone!
- Q22.How would you describe your personality?
- Super nice and super kind! Like, I'm literally an angel!
- Q23.What's something that people often tell you?
- Oh, they tell me all sorts of nice and wonderful things all the time with their Super Chats.
- Q24.Are there any characters or celebrities that you aspire to be like?
- Jun Togawa
- Q25.What would you say is your weakness?
- The fact that I love you guys too much!
- Q26.What's your favorite color?
- Pink and light blue! Ooh, maybe purple too.
- Q27.What's your favorite song?
- Jun Togawa
- Q28.If you were an animal, what would you be?
- An angel!
- Q29.What's something you can't get enough of?
- NTR is kinda...
- Q30.What kind of person would you like to be friends with?
- Anyone that's willing to collab with me! I don't really have any friends IRL, so I'd like to meet more people...
- Q31.What kind of person would you want to live with?
- Someone who's good at cleaning!
- Q32.What kind of person do you not get along with?
- Backseat gamers and fuckboys!
- Q33.Would you rather be a warrior or a mage?
- Hmm... A mage, because then I can use magic to boost my views!
- Q34.Are you an angel or a demon?
- An angel, duh!
- Q35.Are you an S or M?
- Wouldn't you like to know?🧬( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )🧬
- Q36.Your doppelganger suddenly appears! What do you do?
- No way that would ever happen. You high?
- Q37.If you were a tarot card, what would you be?
- Since tarots are a conduit for divine messages, I'd be all of them.
- Q38.Share with us a memory from your early days of streaming.
- Nooo, I was so bad back when I was still getting a feel for things... I was such a crappy angel;;
- Q39.How did you feel when you released your first song?
- I was really nervous. I mean, first times are always nerve-racking, right?
- Q40.How did you feel when your songs went viral on TikTok?
- I was so happy to see that so many people out there loved what I was doing. I swear I'll protect the internet no matter what form it takes! ♡
- Q41.What was the first thing you ever did on the computer?
- Appear to the masses as an angel.
- Q42.What is your earliest memory of the internet?
- The community and kinship I felt when I first descended into the chaos. I hope the world can still hold onto that kindness no matter how bad things get.
- Q43.Where did that KAngel blob in your streams come from?
- From the blob factory.
- Q44.Where did the pleading emoji cat come from?
- I don't know, it just showed up crying at me one day.
- Q45.What was the first song you remember liking?
- Jun Togawa
- Q46.Why did you decide to become a streamer?
- So I could save all you lost nerds out there!🙏BLESS🙏
- Q47.Share with us an artist/creator or work that has inspired you.
- Jun Togawa
- Q48.What would you say is your biggest blunder in streaming so far?
- I guess when all that... rainbow stuff came out of my mouth that one time.
- Q49.When did you have your first crush?
- Right now, as I gaze at you...
- Q50.What was the best thing that's ever happened to you?
- Having you read this silly little Q&A♡
- Q51.What was the worst thing that's ever happened to you?
- When my first haters ever came after me. They were like maggots, it was so gross.
- Q52.If you could go back in time and say something to your pre-streaming self, what would it be?
- One day you'll take your place as the internet angel loved by 1 million fans, so believe in yourself.
- Q53.What do you usually do before you go live?
- I flex.
- Q54.What do you do to psych yourself up?
- I think about all the people cheering me on from beyond the monitor.
- Q55.What do you do when you're going through a rough patch?
- Die
- Q56.Not only are you a talented streamer, you're also such a good singer too.
- Thanks! I'd love you even more if you could say that with a Super Chat♡
- Q57.Do you go to karaoke?
- I don't really, but I love it when people tell me that they sang my songs at karaoke!
- Q58.What do you usually sing when no one else can hear?
- Jun Togawa
- Q59.Who's your favorite artist?
- Jun Togawa
- Q60.What kind of sites do you visit (other than social media)?
- I look at random articles on Wikipedia.
- Q61.Is there anything you look forward to watching on TV?
- Jun Togawa will be on Hit Studio tomorrow.
- Q62.What's your favorite book or manga?
- Q63.What's your favorite movie?
- A Woman Is a Woman
- Q64.What's your favorite subject?
- I don't really want to talk about school.
- Q65.What's your least favorite subject?
- I hate all of them.
- Q66.What's your favorite sport?
- I don't want to talk about sport either.
- Q67.What's the one thing you want the most right now?
- Memories of me laughing with my friends at school like any normal student would.
- Q68.What games do you like?
- Space Channel 5
- Q69.What's something you're really into right now that no one else seems to get?
- Digging for nerds that make fun of people who believe in conspiracy theories but will take any old bait about the industry.
- Q70.Do you have any special talents?
- Praying.
- Q71.What's one thing that you do better than anyone else?
- Look cute.
- Q72.What time do you usually wake up at?
- That's a secret!
- Q73.What time do you usually go to sleep at?
- I only go to sleep once my little nerds have drifted off. Goodnight... ( ˘ω˘ )Zzz
- Q74.Do you like studying?
- Hell no!
- Q75.Have you ever studied for a certification or anything like that?
- Maybe when I quit streaming, but I think I'd flop terribly at it anyway...
- Q76.What do you do when there's something you really need to do but you just don't have the motivation?
- I just force myself through it, like what I'm doing with these boooring questions.
- Q77.Do you enjoy streaming?
- Sometimes.
- Q78.What do you do for work besides streaming?
- Deliver salvation.
- Q79.Have you made any friends through your work?
- I don't trust anyone because they'll dox me immediately if they get the chance.
- Q80.What's your favorite season?
- I wish spring would come, then stay forever.
- Q81.Do you have any favorite holidays?
- My birthday!!! Everyone is so nice to me on my birthday.
- Q82.What kind of bag do you use in your day-to-day life?
- Take a look at my Dream Vision collab and you'll know.
- Q83.What do you usually keep in there?
- You can't just ask a girl that!
- Q84.What's one thing you must always have with you?
- Leaf Shield
- Q85.What's something that has scared you recently?
- Ever since I started streaming, I've become really scared of not having enough time off. BTW as I'm writing this in the ungodly hours of the morning my heart started hurting a lot I think I'm going to die (real not fake)
- Q86.What's something that made you laugh recently?
- This, lol.
- Q87.Have you ever had a part-time job?
- Don't make me dig up what I've tried to forget.
- Q88.Are you in love with anyone at the moment?
- No.
- Q89.Describe your ideal date.
- We'd go and ride on a Ferris wheel!
- Q90.How many people have you ever confessed to?
- I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you
- Q91.What do you do on your days off?
- I need someone to give me one first...
- Q92.Your schedule seems really packed!
- stfu
- Q93.Share with us a place that you like visiting.
- Nirvana
- Q94.How many people do you have in your address book?
- Address book?? Bro acting like we're in the dark ages...
- Q95.Do you feel like you're living a fulfilling life?
- No comment.
- Q96.To finish things off, here's a question about the future: What's something you'd like to do if you had the chance?
- A high-paying sponsorship.
- Q97.What's a goal you aspire to as a streamer?
- To be the strongest.
- Q98.What kind of person do you want to be?
- Someone cute.
- Q99.Describe your dream life.
- I just want to be able to hang out with you all every day. Please don't abandon me 🧬( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )🧬
- Q100.Good luck!
- FINALLYYY. Whatever, it's not like I appreciate you getting to know me or anything!
- Q101.Thanks for answering all our questions (・ω・)つ🍵 Do you have any final words for your fans?
- Answering 100 questions in a row was practically torture, but I hope you guys at least got some joy out of reading them. 🙏BLESS🙏