100 questions for Ame-Chan
- Q01.Let's start with the basics! What's your name?
- ame. thats all youre getting
- Q02.How old are you?
- who the hell asks a girl that right off the bat fr
- Q03.When did you start streaming?
- lmgtfy
- Q04.Where are you from?
- im just a stupid middle school dropout who crawled out from the depths of hell
- Q05.How many people are in your family?
- what family
- Q06.Do you have any pets?
- do my nerds count
- Q07.Do you like cats or dogs? Or a different animal?
- dont trust no bitch who says shit like "im your little kittenฅ•ω•ฅ nya~✧"
- Q08.How would you rate yourself out of 10?
- i got 10k followers just by posting selfies once
- Q09.How do you style your own hair? Also, is it real?
- why tf would you ask that does kangels hair look real? im gonna take your eyes since they clearly dont work
- Q10.Do you like dyeing your hair?
- every girl should have hair as black as the night
- Q11.Do you have any piercings?
- yeah
- Q12.Or were you just scared?
- nothing hurts my soul as much as some of the shit those nerds say
- Q13.Do you wear makeup?
- im going to wear your blood
- Q14.What's your favorite makeup brand?
- if i say then the nerds are gonna start buying them to lick so no thanks
- Q15.What inspires you to get your nails done?
- ill only do my nails if it means p-chan will say nice things about them
- Q16.Do you have a favorite nail salon?
- i aint going outside
- Q17.Where do you buy your clothes from?
- if i say then im gonna get jumped by nerds next time i go shopping
- Q18.How would you describe your style?
- you wouldnt get it
- Q19.What are some of the brands that you like?
- doesnt matter what brand i wear, im still me
- Q20.What's your favorite shampoo and conditioner?
- tbh i get wanting to drink someones shampoo if you really like them tho
- Q21.Do you prefer to dress for fashion or comfort?
- i always stay cute and pretty for p-chan
- Q22.How would you describe your personality?
- im a good person. like a reeeeaally good person. soooooo upstanding and good.
- Q23.What's something that people often tell you?
- "kys freak"
- Q24.Are there any characters or celebrities that you aspire to be like?
- i dont need to copy others to be me
- Q25.What would you say is your weakness?
- the fact that i hate everything about myself except for my face, though tbh depending on how im feeling ill hate that too
- Q26.What's your favorite color?
- black
- Q27.What's your favorite song?
- ihoujin by saki kubota, i used to loop that shit so much in middle school
- Q28.If you were an animal, what would you be?
- probably some fat little poisonous grub whose only purpose is to be a menace to society
- Q29.What's something you can't get enough of?
- vanity searching to see whos shittalking me
- Q30.What kind of person would you like to be friends with?
- idgaf
- Q31.What kind of person would you want to live with?
- p-chan
- Q32.What kind of person do you not get along with?
- humanity
- Q33.Would you rather be a warrior or a mage?
- what is this dq3 shit
- Q34.Are you an angel or a demon?
- im human
- Q35.Are you an S or M?
- when im with p-chan, my aura has qualities of both S and M♠
- Q36.Your doppelganger suddenly appears! What do you do?
- id probably get so scared i kill them
- Q37.If you were a tarot card, what would you be?
- i dont know shit about tarot except for what was in jjba
- Q38.Share with us a memory from your early days of streaming.
- i remember thinking damn i thought my channel would grow a lot faster
- Q39.How did you feel when you released your first song?
- even my first song racked up a few million views so you tell me
- Q40.How did you feel when your songs went viral on TikTok?
- seeing them bandwagon on the same dance made me think about flies swarming over poop
- Q41.What was the first thing you ever did on the computer?
- tried to think of a way to get porn
- Q42.What is your earliest memory of the internet?
- feeling despair and relief and disgust at the same time when i figured out how to get on 2ch
- Q43.Where did that KAngel blob in your streams come from?
- all i care about is that i cant get a copyright strike for it
- Q44.Where did the pleading emoji cat come from?
- figured id sell way better if i had a funny mascot animal
- Q45.What was the first song you remember liking?
- prolly some figu@mate shit
- Q46.Why did you decide to become a streamer?
- coz i had to otherwise id die
- Q47.Share with us an artist/creator or work that has inspired you.
- i dont really want to say it i dont want to risk them perceiving me
- Q48.What would you say is your biggest blunder in streaming so far?
- forget streaming my biggest blunder in life is being born
- Q49.When did you have your first crush?
- i seem to remember liking king k rool when i was a kid...
- Q50.What was the best thing that's ever happened to you?
- meeting p-chan
- Q51.What was the worst thing that's ever happened to you?
- when i was forced to come into this world
- Q52.If you could go back in time and say something to your pre-streaming self, what would it be?
- youre a much harder worker than you give yourself credit for
- Q53.What do you usually do before you go live?
- curse myself so some accident happens and i dont have to stream
- Q54.What do you do to psych yourself up?
- [redacted so i dont get arrested]
- Q55.What do you do when you're going through a rough patch?
- take my meds
- Q56.Not only are you a talented streamer, you're also such a good singer too.
- i am... im doing my best...
- Q57.Do you go to karaoke?
- if u one of those bitches who have people to go karaoke with consider yourself lucky
- Q58.What do you usually sing when no one else can hear?
- why do i have to tell you my most intimate secrets huh
- Q59.Who's your favorite artist?
- copypasting jun togawa for these kinds of stupid questions as kangel
- Q60.What kind of sites do you visit (other than social media)?
- aarinfa— jk
- Q61.Is there anything you look forward to watching on TV?
- nothing. tv is stupid and annoying i hate it
- Q62.What's your favorite book or manga?
- tomie
- Q63.What's your favorite movie?
- cure by kiyoshi kurosawa
- Q64.What's your favorite subject?
- didnt go to school
- Q65.What's your least favorite subject?
- sometimes i did want to though
- Q66.What's your favorite sport?
- i dont do shit
- Q67.What's the one thing you want the most right now?
- a twin buster rifle
- Q68.What games do you like?
- castlevania
- Q69.What's something you're really into right now that no one else seems to get?
- i dont want anyone to "get" me anyway
- Q70.Do you have any special talents?
- cursing people
- Q71.What's one thing that you do better than anyone else?
- look cute
- Q72.What time do you usually wake up at?
- not in the morning thats for sure
- Q73.What time do you usually go to sleep at?
- idk my sleep schedule is a whole mess
- Q74.Do you like studying?
- i hate it i hate it i hate it
- Q75.Have you ever studied for a certification or anything like that?
- i need a certification to live first
- Q76.What do you do when there's something you really need to do but you just don't have the motivation?
- thats just what life is
- Q77.Do you enjoy streaming?
- i do genuinely like it once in a blue moon
- Q78.What do you do for work besides streaming?
- puyotet
- Q79.Have you made any friends through your work?
- i dont stream to make friends
- Q80.What's your favorite season?
- idc as long as the weathers cool
- Q81.Do you have any favorite holidays?
- spending new years with p-chan i guess
- Q82.What kind of bag do you use in your day-to-day life?
- whatever leaves my hands free
- Q83.What do you usually keep in there?
- i always carry one of my fav books with me
- Q84.What's one thing you must always have with you?
- my meds
- Q85.What's something that has scared you recently?
- nightmares where all of my viewers disappear
- Q86.What's something that made you laugh recently?
- implying ive laughed recently
- Q87.Have you ever had a part-time job?
- why do you care you capitalist bootlicker
- Q88.Are you in love with anyone at the moment?
- yeah
- Q89.Describe your ideal date.
- we go to my shrink together (bc i cbb going alone)
- Q90.How many people have you ever confessed to?
- i dont think i could ever get along with anyone who answers this question genuinely
- Q91.What do you do on your days off?
- p-chaaannn can i have the day off today
- Q92.Your schedule seems really packed!
- and WHO is the one making me answer 100 questions again?????
- Q93.Share with us a place that you like visiting.
- my room
- Q94.How many people do you have in your address book?
- idk but i blocked my parents number as quickly as i could
- Q95.Do you feel like you're living a fulfilling life?
- when im lucky enough to sleep lots yeah
- Q96.To finish things off, here's a question about the future: What's something you'd like to do if you had the chance?
- hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- Q97.What's a goal you aspire to as a streamer?
- to be the best and most untouchable
- Q98.What kind of person do you want to be?
- im like a modern day kataoka tsurutaro fr
- Q99.Describe your dream life.
- i just wanna be happy
- Q100.Good luck!
- you too ig
- Q101.Thanks for answering all our questions (・ω・)つ🍵 Do you have any final words for your fans?
- close this page RIGHT NOW